Prof. Dr. Saim Kılıç

Academician, Board Member & Consultant

About Me

Prof. Dr. Saim Kılıç


Prof. Saim Kılıç


Prof. Dr. Saim Kılıç graduated with highest honors from Ankara University School of Political Science in 1993, earning a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations. He received his master’s degree in finance from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2001, his MBA degree from Ankara University in 2002; and in 2007, having completed his PhD studies on Accounting-Finance; he was awarded a PhD degree with highest honors from Gazi University. During the Academic Year 2005-2006, he carried out research at the University of Greenwich, London. His PhD thesis was deemed worthy of Economic Research Foundation's Ünal Aysal award in 2008. He received the title of “Associate Professor in Finance” in 2012 and the title of “Professor in Business Administration/Finance” in 2017.

Throughout his more than 20-year career, kicked off with a Assistant Expert position in Capital Markets Board of Turkey in 1994, he served as an Expert /Senior Expert for the Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister for the Prime Minister's Office, Expert for the Office of the President of Turkey, Chief Regulatory Officer and Audit Executive for Borsa Istanbul, Vice General Director of Central Securities Depository of Turkey, member of Rules and Regulation Committee of the World Federation of Exchanges and the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges, member of the Board of Directors of both the Central Securities Depository of Turkey and the Capital Markets Licensing Registration and Training Agency of Turkey, respectively.

Starting in 2014, the year he successfully moved from the public to private sector, he held the position of Board of Directors’ Consultant respectively with IC Enerji, Altınbaş Holding Sümer Asset Management., Sümer Factoring, and the position of Board Member with real estate developer Torunlar REIT, the fuel oil distribution company Alpet, Assos Kuyumculuk Inc. operating in manufacturing and wholesale of jewelry products, maritime crewing company Transal Denizcilik. , lubricant company Atak Madeni Yağ, and brokerage house Alnus Investment. He currently holds the post of Board Member of Özak REIT, Marcegaglia TR, Kütahya Şeker, Mobiltel İletişim and Lider Filo. He has also served/is serving as the Head of Audit Committee, Early Detection of Risk Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, and Compensation Committee of the above-mentioned companies. He has been member of Turkey-Hungary Business Council and Board Member of Real Estate and Real Estate Investment Trusts Association (GYODER). He has also been serving as faculty member at Altınbaş University and Senior Advisor to the President of Altınbaş University and, teaching business management, finance and corporate governance since 2014.

Prof. Dr. Saim Kılıç holds all capital market licenses and certificates (Capital Markets Activity License, Derivative Instruments License, Corporate Governance Rating License, Independent Auditing License, Real Estate Appraisal License.

He is the author/co-author of books of “Financial Management” (2021), “CEO of The Boss” (2018), “How to Manage Corporate Governance” (2014), "Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Capital Market Regulations: Theories, Tools and an Empirical Study on Turkey" (2008), "Evaluation of Mutual Funds Performances in Turkey" (2002), and "Investor Protection in Capital Markets: Compensation Funds" (1997). Professor Saim Kılıç received “the Contribution to Corporate Governance Award” given by İstanbul Aydın University in 2019.


Our new book titied “Financial Management” (September 2021) is now in bookstores!


Professor Saim Kılıç received ”the Contribution to Corporate Governance Award” given by İstanbul Aydın University on 15/11/2019


Our new book titied “CEO of the Boss” (February 2018) is now in bookstores!



Having filled top positions at Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Borsa İstanbul (formerly Istanbul Stock Exchange), Central Securities Depository of Turkey; served as a Board Member of and an Advisor to a number of organizations operating in finance, real estate, industry, energy and trade; obtained all capital market licenses and certificates issued by the CMB; authored/co-authored half a dozen books and published numerous award-winning academic articles on finance, capital markets, trading, financial management and corporate governance throughout his more than 20-year career, Prof Dr. Saim Kılıç continues to offer consulting services and/or to hold positions in the following fields:

  • Board Membership
  • Independent Board Membership
  • Consulting to the Board of Directors
  • Designing of Corporate Management
  • Going Public (IPO) and Listing on Stock Exchange
  • Corporate Governance
  • Internal Control/Internal Audit/Risk Management
  • Corporate Finance/Financial Management
  • Capital Markets and Stock Exchanges
  • The Regulation of Capital Markets and Turkish Commercial Code
  • Financial Institutions and Instruments
  • Investor Relations
  • Compliance



Financial Management / Finansal Yönetim

September 2021


CEO of The Boss

February 2018
Nobel – Altınbaş Üniversitesi Yayınları


How to manage Corporate Governance?

Dogan Egmont


Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Capital Markets Regulations: Theories, Tools and An Empirical Study on Turkey

Economic Research Foundation


Evaluation of Mutual Funds Performance in Turkey

Istanbul Stock Exchange


Investor Protection in Capital Markets: Compensation Funds

Capital Markets Board of Turkey


Factors influencing SMEs’ capital structure: a comparative analysis from Turkey, Small Enterprise Research, 28 (1), 57-74
Good Forecasting or Information leakage explaining market behavior prior to th announcement of soverign rating downgrades: Evidence from Turkey, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi , 42 (2) , 327-339 . DOI: 10.14780/muiibd.854499
Impact of Forward-Looking Disclosures on Stock Prices: Evidence from Borsa İstanbul (Düzenleyici Otorite Yaptırımlarının Pay Senedi Fiyatları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği), Ekonomik Yaklaşım 2020, 30(112): 31-55 [1300-1868]
An Empirical Study on the Future of Reserve Currencies (Rezerv Paraların Geleceğine İlişkin Bir Ampirik Çalışma), AURUM Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 59-71.
Impact of Changes in Foreign Investors Ownership on Return, Volatility and Liquidity: A Panel Data Analysis for BIST REIT Market (Yabancı Yatırımcı Sahipliği Oranındaki Değişimin Getiri, Volatilite ve Likidite Üzerindeki Etkisi: BIST GYO Sektörü İçin Panel Veri Analizi), Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(2), 397-411. [ISSN 2619-9491]
Market Reactions to CEO Turnover in the Banks: Evidence from Turkey (Piyasanın Bankalarda CEO Değişimine Tepkisi), Bankacılar Dergisi, 31(112), 3-15. [ISSN 1300-0217]
Does the Disclosure of Financial Statements Submitted to Tax Office of Real Estate Investment Trusts Create a Misleading Impact on the Market? TR / EN
Impact of Forward Looking Disclosures on Stock Prices: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul TR / EN
Testing the Relationship Between Free Cash Flow and Company Performance in Borsa Istanbul TR / EN
Determinants of Price Volatility of Futures Contracts: Evidence from an Emerging Market TR / EN
Maturity Effect in Futures Contracts: Evidence from Turkey TR / EN
Closing Price Manipulation in Borsa Istanbul and the Impact of Call Auction Sessions TR / EN
Attending General Meetings of Listed Companies and Exercising Voting Rights: Practice, Problems Encountered, and Suggested Solutions Following the Removal of Share Blockage TR / EN
Sermaye Piyasasında Güvence Fonları TR / EN
The Design of a Regulatory Regime to Achieve High Quality Regulation: An Evaluation of Turkey’s Regulatory System TR / EN
Halka Açık Şirketlerin Kamuyu Aydınlatma, Şeffaflık ve Kurumsal Yönetim İlkeleri Açısından Mevzuata Uyum Kapasitelerinin Geliştirilmesi TR / EN
Compliance Costs on Intermediary Institutions Arising from the Capital Markets Regulations in Turkey TR / EN
Are Compliance Costs Arising from Capital Markets Regulations in Turkey Actually That High to Hinder IPOs? TR / EN
A Proposal for Settlement Power in Turkish Capital Markets TR / EN
The Effects of the Turkish Commercial Code Draft on Public Offerings TR / EN
The Effects of Free Float Ratios on Market Performance: An Empirical Study on the Istanbul Stock Exchange TR / EN
Information Content of the Cash Dividend: An Empirical Study on Istanbul Stock Exchange TR / EN
Internal Determinants of Profitability in Turkish Banking Sector TR / EN
The Announcement Effect of Cash Dividend on Share Prices and the Tax Clientele Effect: Evidence from Turkish Capital Markets TR / EN
Measuring the Return Performances of the Companies Included in ISE Corporate Governance Index TR / EN
Shadow Banking for Connected Lending and the Countermeasures: Turkish Case TR / EN



Altınbaş Üniversitesi Kantin Dergisi’nin Nisan 2016 sayısında Saim Kılıç ile yapılan “Marka Hocalarımız” başlıklı röportaj


Saim Kılıç ve Ali Alp'in BİMSA E-Bülteni Haziran 2014 sayısında çıkan "Şirketlerde büyümenin kalıcı olabilmesi için en önemli araç, kurumsal yönetimdir" başlıklı röportajı


Saim Kılıç'ın Türkiye Yatırımcı İlişkileri Derneği tarafından çıkarılan Hissedar Dergisi’nin 2014/14 sayısında çıkan "Kurumsal Yönetimin Artan Önemi" başlıklı röportajı


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